搜索生路To the Lake的結果,共428353筆,(花費0.001451秒).

用戶 Quintion烏鴉 The Crow 的評價.

2 years ago
一日未盡人生路,一日錯信路漫長。你相信死後的靈魂麼,像那隻遊蕩在夜幕裡的烏鴉。If people we love r stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.
3 years ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...
8 months ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...
9 months ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...
9 months ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...
7 months ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...
7 months ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...
8 months ago
加繆說:“人生的意義,在於承擔人生無意義的勇氣。如果你一直在找人生的意義,你永遠不會生活。”自勉。To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, to draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the pur...

用戶 Frances幻想之地 Imagine That 的評價.

3 years ago
到底結局是科幻還是溫情路線。。。to be continued

用戶 Nspghosxmik捍衛救援 The Marksman 的評價.

3 years ago
生命的延續 希望的延續。 life is tough, but hv to go ahead. Leave his choice to himself.

用戶 Oxhkpingsms捍衛救援 The Marksman 的評價.

3 years ago
生命的延續 希望的延續。 life is tough, but hv to go ahead. Leave his choice to himself.

用戶 Nimskopghxs捍衛救援 The Marksman 的評價.

3 years ago
生命的延續 希望的延續。 life is tough, but hv to go ahead. Leave his choice to himself.
5 months ago
老年公路片 奎妮的情歌hope and save I keep walking,while she keep living. time to change

用戶 Bella辣妹搶銀行 Sugar & Spice 的評價.

4 years ago
好電影是就算自己的邏輯思路再怪誕,但是manage to stick with it perfectly。#underrated#
1 year ago

用戶 kimberlyhallna1游牧人生 Nomadland 的評價.

3 years ago
女主在別人眼裡看似窘迫的公路生活,在習慣漂泊的人眼裡,有著自己的孤傲與浪漫。讓我想起《猜火車》裡的那段經典臺詞,生活中就是有人不想買他媽的大電視,而選擇不停地在路上,看群山,看飛鳥,looking ahead, to the day you die.

用戶 Rnouayegivr游牧人生 Nomadland 的評價.

3 years ago
女主在別人眼裡看似窘迫的公路生活,在習慣漂泊的人眼裡,有著自己的孤傲與浪漫。讓我想起《猜火車》裡的那段經典臺詞,生活中就是有人不想買他媽的大電視,而選擇不停地在路上,看群山,看飛鳥,looking ahead, to the day you die.

用戶 Ikmshpsngox游牧人生 Nomadland 的評價.

3 years ago
女主在別人眼裡看似窘迫的公路生活,在習慣漂泊的人眼裡,有著自己的孤傲與浪漫。讓我想起《猜火車》裡的那段經典臺詞,生活中就是有人不想買他媽的大電視,而選擇不停地在路上,看群山,看飛鳥,looking ahead, to the day you die.

用戶 Paeeabskcll游牧人生 Nomadland 的評價.

3 years ago
女主在別人眼裡看似窘迫的公路生活,在習慣漂泊的人眼裡,有著自己的孤傲與浪漫。讓我想起《猜火車》裡的那段經典臺詞,生活中就是有人不想買他媽的大電視,而選擇不停地在路上,看群山,看飛鳥,looking ahead, to the day you die.

用戶 Ibotcrrekec游牧人生 Nomadland 的評價.

3 years ago
女主在別人眼裡看似窘迫的公路生活,在習慣漂泊的人眼裡,有著自己的孤傲與浪漫。讓我想起《猜火車》裡的那段經典臺詞,生活中就是有人不想買他媽的大電視,而選擇不停地在路上,看群山,看飛鳥,looking ahead, to the day you die.