搜索Sugar Lyn Beard的結果,共65筆,(花費0.001642秒).

用戶 Mango落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Elle落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Chester落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Grover落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Nat落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Nadia落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Corey落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Orville落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Demi落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Dolly落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Dennise落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Paul落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Hilary落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Hugh落紅 The Third Wife 的評價.

4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...

用戶 Isaac甜蜜的負擔 Fed Up 的評價.

4 years ago
片末的 "Are you fed up?" Netflix 中文字幕翻譯是“你受夠了嗎?” 很好。終於知道為什麼營養成分表裡Sugar一欄沒有百分比標示了(查了下最晚2018年7月會有,見https://www.fda.gov/Fo)。很客觀的紀錄片,沒有夾帶私貨。片末的號召也很好。(美國人真的是可憐,被廣告轟炸,飲食選擇和烹飪方式好少。)

用戶 maryscottaoo321甜蜜的負擔 Fed Up 的評價.

3 years ago
片末的 "Are you fed up?" Netflix 中文字幕翻譯是“你受夠了嗎?” 很好。終於知道為什麼營養成分表裡Sugar一欄沒有百分比標示了(查了下最晚2018年7月會有,見https://www.fda.gov/Fo)。很客觀的紀錄片,沒有夾帶私貨。片末的號召也很好。(美國人真的是可憐,被廣告轟炸,飲食選擇和烹飪方式好少。)

用戶 Ava油脂 Grease 的評價.

3 years ago
三星半。歌舞片總不能老註定情節狗血又簡單吧OTL真要說起來對女主的忽冷忽熱忽烈女忽少女完全理解不能……不過就都可以被年輕人混亂的荷爾蒙所解釋。歌曲是好聽,好多舞步到現在還在被模仿=口= 最打動我的是Rizzo獨唱的那首Worst thing i could do來著~ 還有Frenchy你真的不是Glee的Sugar穿越回去的麼
5 years ago
在他們著名的1969年音樂會44年後,他們在倫敦海德公園舉辦的2013年兩場音樂會上演唱了滾石樂隊的音樂會電影。他們最好的表演是“Gimme Shelter”,“Jumpin'Jack Flash”“Brown Sugar”和“Satisfaction”。前樂隊成員Mick Taylor加入了Mick,Keith,Charlie和Ronnie的“Midnig...
5 years ago
關於食物和飲食習慣的優秀紀錄片。它討論了我們在此過程中所犯的錯誤(即50年代和60年代),然後提供更健康的建議。我喜歡它不是太講道或者在你的喉嚨里傳遞信息(即建議主要是植物性飲食而不是告訴我們要吃完全素食)。我從中得到的主要內容是: - 不要相信電視上的任何食品包裝標籤或廣告(改為閱讀營養表) - 不要太多的紅肉 - 增加你吃的植物,蔬菜和水果的數量 ...
5 years ago
邁克和戴夫在談到基本上所有事情時都沒有最好的聲譽,尤其是家庭聚會。當他們的小妹妹珍妮要結婚時,他們的父母會給他們一個最後通..有美好的約會,或根本不來。他們迎接挑戰,並與愛麗絲和塔蒂亞娜見面。後來發現這兩個女孩並不完全是他們所說的。 這部電影以各種方式實現了我的期望。我基本上整部電影都笑得那麼厲害。我愛它。我覺得這不是你喜歡的喜劇之一。它可能需要對故事情節...